Chariots of Fire raises £44,527 for East Anglian Air Ambulance
Chariots of Fire 2021 saw 200 local businesses enter teams to take park in the 1.7 mile relay race and raise £44,527 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Over 1,200 people took part in the landmark race on Sunday 19 September 2021, setting off from Queens’ Green in Cambridge.
Wendy von Niebel, Trustee of HCR Hewitsons Charitable Trust, commented: “We are delighted that despite the recent pandemic our determined runners have raised so much for such a worthy cause. Once again Chariots of Fire was a fun-packed family day with plenty of team spirit and friendly rivalry between the local firms and university colleges”.
HCR Hewitsons Charitable Trust, which organises the Chariots of Fire race every year, handed a giant cheque for the total sum to Stuart Wyle, Director of Engagement and Income at EAAA, on 23 March 2022.
During the presentation special thanks was given to ‘The Great Dames’, a team captained by Dame Mary Archer, who managed to raise an impressive £22,685 for the charity.
All of the money raised will go to the East Anglian Air Ambulance to help fund CPR and Defibrillator training across the region.
Cardiac Arrests are the most common type of incident that the Air Ambulance attend so with CPR and defib training being provided to schools and workplaces across Cambridgeshire the chance of survival will increase dramatically.
Team entries for this year’s Chariots of Fire race open online in May 2022.